Allergies & Asthma Caused by Poor Indoor Air Quality

Since about 1980, asthma prevalence and asthma-related hospitalizations and deaths have increased alarmingly. Recent studies suggest that exposure to indoor allergy triggers influence the course and severity of asthma, and/or allergic reactions. Some of these indoor allergy and asthma triggers can be: dust mites, cockroaches, mold due to water damage and other causes such as soot and smoke, pet dander, tobacco smoke, and other biological and chemical pollutants. We are concerned about the potential health risks to you and others within your building due to poor indoor air quality, exposure to contaminants or exposure to various molds.
The current situation in schools is not better, as student asthma and allergy rates climb increasingly higher. Massachusetts state officials found the prevalence of asthma within their school districts averaged 9.2%, which is a cause for alarm among public health advocates. Among the potential causes cited were: poor indoor air quality (IAQ), mold, water damage and fire damage, dust mites, and other environmental pollutants.
There is a correlation between the increased human exposure to indoor air pollution and rising rates of asthma incidences.
Quick Facts About Allergies & Asthma
More than 50 million sufferers in the US | Over 25 million sufferers in the US |
36 million seasonal allergies | Over 6 million children in the US |
31 million sinus sufferers | More than 4 million suffered an asthma attack |
$6 billion spent per year | More than 10 billion spent per year |
8 million doctor office visits per year | Over 9 million doctor visits per year |
TERS indoor air quality teams:
- Developed science-based assessment techniques for allergy and/or asthma factors present in indoor air.
- Present our clients or their healthcare allergy and/or asthma professionals with vital information based on testing. We include the ensuing laboratory analytical results so appropriate action can be taken.
- TERS building restoration has only the best indoor air quality experts, including mold and toxic mold specialties.
- Use state-of-the-art equipment and certified inspectors analyze and solve your problem.